Every year there is a Shabbat when each class goes off to some place together with their rabbi. That was last Shabbat, and here is the story of one class. Rabbi Shai Elias, originally from Kiryat Malachi, a development town in the south, took his class to Maale Adumim. Friday they started with a hike in Wadi Kelt, in the clear flowing waters. From there they went up hill to Maale Adumim to get ready for Shabbat. They stayed in the home of a family that opened their house and let the guys take over.
During Shabbat they net the Sephardic rabbi of Maale Adumim, Rabbi Nagri, and also met with the deputy mayor, Mr. Guy Yifrach. They learned a lot about the city which is the eastern flank of Yerushalayim.