After 28 years in a temporary building, we have begun construction on the permanent Beit Midrash for Bnei David’s mechina program. Over the years the initial building was renovated and expanded, but became too small for our growing student body and no longer complied with the building code, which had also been updated and amended over the years.
About a year ago the mechina began holding classes in one section of the new dining hall, but that, too, has become too small, and last year we began drafting plans for a proper Beit Midrash building with classrooms and a large study hall.
With Hashem’s help and the generosity of our loyal supporters, we have begun the ground work for the construction of the permanent Beit Midrash for Bnei
David’s mechina program. The heavy earth-moving machines arrived on Chanukah and within 8 days completed the initial stage for laying the foundations of the new building. Now the machines are finishing the work on certain spots and we will soon start building the support walls. The blueprints for the building are in the final planning stages and we hope to issue a construction tender next month.
more detailsin in the Booklet. We will be glad your participation,
You can contact whit Lior Shtul the Director General of Bnei - David:

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